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For over 30 years, the Columbia Special Business District and the Central Columbia Association worked together to promote The District and increase its economic vitality. These organizations recruited new businesses,.png
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How We Do it

The CID wants to keep the District clean, safe, beautiful, and top of mind! Our 15-member board of directors represents a variety of populations and interested parties in our District. Our six committees and staff work hard to make the District the best place to be. All meetings are posted in our calendar with a minimum of 24 hours notice. All Board and Committee meetings are open to the public.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors meets the second Tuesday of every month at 3:30pm to hear from our partners in various departments at the City (including CPD), listen to comments and concerns from the public, receive updates from each committee, and discuss current projects and events.

Operations Committee

Our Operations Committee meets the third Thursday of every month at 3:30pm to work on projects relating to development and maintenance, lighting, cleanliness, safety, landscaping, signage, and other areas of beautification and logistics. 

Economic Development

Our Economic Development Committee meets the third Tuesday of every month at 3:30pm to focus on business recruitment, retention, business services, solid waste, public art, and public safety.

Marketing Committee

Our Marketing Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:30pm to create new marketing tools, manage events, divide advertising among medias, holiday decor, and curate the overall image of the District.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets the first Tuesday of every month at 3:30pm to decide what items are ready to go back to the full board, creates the board agenda, and focuses on planning.

Search & Review Committee

Our Search and Review Committee meets as needed to recruit, nominate, and train new board members and staff. They also review staff relations, procedures, and performance.

The District Downtown Committees