Each year T/F adopts a visual theme and in 2021 it is THE NATURE OF UNCERTAINTY.
We can handle a lot more of the unknown than we think we can. But is there a downside to our ultimate adaptability? Does our extraordinary ability to normalize the unforeseen facilitate a society that glides smoothly towards a dystopian future? If so, what tools do we bring to the fight?
Join us in unearthing the unpredictable and becoming in tune with the infinite. Our theme — THE NATURE OF UNCERTAINTY — reimagines risk/reward and gives consciousness to the unmanifest, pushing for an in-the-moment recalculating of internal dynamics and external environments. At T/F 2021, we'll bathe in a fractal universe of probable equations and fortuitous phenomena.
Choose your tools wisely. Embrace ambivalence through acts of speculative instinct. Be the torchbearers in the ever-evolving realm of possibility.