Scavenger Hunts in The District
Odds are you’ve taken part, however actively or passively, at some point or another, whether as a wee child, as a tween, teen, adult, or golden-aged senior human, you’ve participated in what folks call a scavenger hunt. But when was the last time?
Historians note that these fun quests (scavenger hunts) evolved from ancient folk games, becoming popularized in the U.S. during the 1930’s after a woman named Elsa Maxwell (professional hostess, columnist, songwriter, and author) decided to host one rather well-to-do party in Paris, sending her extravagant guests on a boisterous hunt around the city for a kooky list of items.
The trend spread and continues today. And it’s no wonder.
Gaps in knowledge have excited humans as long as humans have been around. We love the sense of adventure, the thrill of peaked curiosity, exploration, discovery, and the dangling chance of being rewarded with some unexpected epiphany or treasure. The charm of mystery, it’s part of our evolution, part of our unconscious mind struggling to become more conscious: give us mystery or give us the answer! No, no, not the answer, not yet, we’re so close!
Ironically, participating in things like scavenger hunts actually gives our minds a break. Pulling us out of our daily worries, out of our comfort zones, and into the exhilaration of mystery. The opportunity to uncover some new gem previously buried in the proverbial dirt of rote routines, anxieties, and stress. Kids and adults alike!
Just take a look at the smiles from our first group of winners:
Audra West and members of her church youth group during their District Scavenger Hunt.
Join us this summer in The District for some free fun; enjoy a scavenger-hunt-break and uncover something new. Deepen a relationship as you galivant and roam or take a solo expedition, releasing some of our worldly stressors and relish the delight of The Quest for a spell.
Maybe even win some treasure. 😀
You can find all the details and the Scavenger Hunt Forms here. We hope to see you soon!
It’s good to be here.